
Gruppo EuroVast SpA invests in the environment

Interventions in the ten plants: emissions into the atmosphere have been reduced in Fabbriche di Vergemoli. Significant environmental investments in the plants of Gruppo EuroVast Spa: five for paper production and five for transformation, two of which are abroad: one in Great Britain, in Liverpool, the other in Oss, in Holland. EuroVast is pursuing a virtuous production policy through industrial green investments that have also involved the complexes of Lucca. In particular, at Cartiera del Borgo, in Fabbriche di Vergemoli, a process of modernisation of the plants has begun, involving liquid methane storage and regasification plant, the plants involved in the drying phase on the continuous paper machine and the installation of a new highly energy-efficient methane Boiler with 97% heat efficiency. The choice of methane is a strategic choice for the entire community given the considerable reduction of dust and sulphur in the air. Cartiera del Borgo becomes a virtuous eco-friendly production centre, respecting its 25 employees and the community. “It is a huge success for all of us – comments the Mayor Michele Giannini – I am extremely satisfied with the choices, fairness and widespread commitment made by Cartiera del Borgo in these years of fruitful collaboration. Now, in addition to a significant investment in the territory, with the consequent certainty of the continuation of the paper mill in the years to come, they bring the total abatement of pollutants in the Turrite Valley by this plant. It has not been a light-hearted decision for the ownership, with which we have been sharing this objective since its establishment, among other things with almost zero visual impact as agreed with the Superintendency. These are the things that give hope for a better future for everyone, where work and industrial needs meet the needs of the environment and of the communities that host them.” The interventions have also involved the plants of Villa Basilica. In February, the world’s first line to be equipped with S Crescent technology by Toscotec, an innovative sheet of paper dehydration system that guarantees significant savings in electricity, was launched at Cartiera di Villa Basilica. The production, on a par with hours, will double to reach 40 thousand tonnes per year with a 56% increase in productivity and an overall reduction in gas use of 18/20% and of 10% in electricity. The reduction of Co2 emissions by 40%. The modernisation project of the Cartiere (Paper mills) is part of a wider plan for productive sustainability that also sees investments in renewable energy sources, as will happen in Capannori, at the plant of Toringo, with the installation of photovoltaic panels: a surface of 10 thousand m² that will cover the plant’s energy needs.

Always in Villa, in January, Cartiera della Basilica began operation in Pracando, where modernisation work will be completed by the end of 2020 to improve the standards of sustainability and adapt them to those of the group. 

Like those of Cartiera Della Basilica of Lugliano, in Bagni di Lucca, a totally automated plant and equipped with the most innovative environmental protection technologies, with a production capacity of 40 thousand tons and more than 30% reduction in water consumption compared to the old system, with a 50% improvement in fibre retention.

“Sustainability is not only environmental but also social – explains Vincenzo Romano, CEO of EuroVast – this is why I want to thank all our employees who have shown great commitment and dedication in recent months. Thanks to their valuable collaboration, we have been able to meet the demands of an emergency market due to the growing demand for household products”.

Source: Il Tirreno

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