
EuroVast supporting PLASTIC FREE ONLUS

On 2nd October, Plastic Free Onlus returned to more than 200 cities. An important annual event dedicated to cleaning the territory to remove from nature plastic and waste abandoned close to our waters and raise national awareness on the matter.

According to a Unep report, 731 tons of plastic waste end up in our waters every day. Unlike the oceans, however, the problem of the Mediterranean relates not only to large size waste, which has begun to form full-fledged islands, but 92% to waste we cannot see: microplastic.

Fragments of less than 5 millimetres which find their largest concentration in the world precisely in our waters. Spheres, granules, films, fishing lines and foam, often precisely from the erosion of waste abandoned on beaches and riverbanks, account for most of the widespread microplastic in our sea. Without forgetting that it arrives to our tables through fish, molluscs, and crustaceans.

EuroVast, which has been committed to integrating sustainability in its production process for many years, has supported PlasticFree with the donation of 500 organic cotton water-printed (the most ecological printing technology) t-shirts.

In Lucca, volunteers cleaned the territory from 450 Kg of waste, not just plastic but also iron, a child car seat, and a satellite dish.

EuroVast’s commitment alongside Plastic Free doesn’t end here; this event is just the start of a collaboration destined to last over time.

Commitment and constant attention today will allow us to still have a Planet tomorrow.