

The environment is currently one of the largest global socio-economic priorities. This is why we are pursuing a policy of virtuous production, through Green-focused industrial investments.

One of the backbones of our Group, from the outset, has been sustainability. Our commitment grows day by day, continuing to invest in technology to guarantee increasingly more efficient and eco-friendly productions, through Green-focused industrial investments such as the installation of a photovoltaic system at the processing plant of Toringo (Lucca). The system produces renewable energy that covers the energy requirements of the plant. Another novelty, in order of time, has been the operation to reduce pollutants at our plant of Fabbriche di Vergemoli (Cartiera del Borgo). The paper mill will no longer use fuel oil to produce hot water, but liquid methane.

This innovation has been welcomed by the whole community and resulted in the decision to confer Honorary Citizenship on our Chairman, Vincenzo Romanofor his attention to society, both in social terms, giving new life to the paper mill, and in environmental terms, thanks to the installation of the LNG system.

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